Tuesday, May 28, 2013

All the Goblins!

Here they are: all the darling goblins that will be appearing 
in my etsy store over the next few weeks!

I've also started adding prints!

If there is a particular shot of one of my stuffed poppets that
you truly love, just send me an email and I can reproduce it for you!

Of course, I will have new poppets started soon, 
next on my schedule is a series of Voodoo Kitties!

It's wonderful to have my darlings organized and
my shop ready to get back on track!

Saturday, May 25, 2013

An update

So, where have you been and what have you been doing, Goblin Doll Maker?

I know there haven't been any new posts or listings for a while.

I have been working on new goblins, never fear!  I started taking them to a local art market and have placed some at an art gallery in New Orleans so I haven't had enough to start listing them again.

I intend to get enough made so that I can start regularly posting here and on etsy.

I've been busy enlarging my fabric stash - 

I have been creating various body parts -

Finishing a few classic style with some new twists - Frankenstein and Voodoo Beauties -

And, all the ponies!