Friday, March 15, 2013

Voodoo Goblin Doll Clyde "The Dangerman" Trouble

Clyde "The Dangerman" Trouble is a goblin who likes to live on the edge.  He considers himself a daredevil and a bit of a bad boy.

Admittedly, he gave himself the nickname "the Dangerman" but it does have a nice ring to it.

Clyde likes to go fast.  He prefers to be in the drivier's seat, but sometimes he just can't fit his 18 inches of length.

His arm span is an impressive 20 inches (making his ability to vroom, vroom a motorcycle truly amazing.)

Clyde is crafted with new poly fill and pellets. He is an art doll and not designed as a plaything for small children.

Work a little voodoo magick with Clyde or just spend some time helping him to figure out his place in the universe). He is a delightful primitive poppet ready for anything!

He is crafted in uneven folk art style so enjoy his purposeful irregularity just as he enjoys being the most edgy of all the goblins everywhere!

Clyde is currently available for adoption in my new etsy store:  VoodooGoblin

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Voodoo Goblin Doll Raggedy Claven

Claven likes bathing (please forgive the horrible rhyme, but it had to be done.)

He thinks of every long, luxurious soak as the opportunity to wash away his confusion about who and what he is.

Of course, he is a Voodoo Goblin Doll, but what does that mean?  Is he good?  Is he evil?

Is his destiny to help all mankind or to bring about the zombie apocalypse?  Claven is puzzled.

Claven is a little over 18 inches in length. His arm span is an impressive 20 inches (making his ability to scrub those hard to reach spots truly phenomenal.)

Clave is crafted with new poly fill and pellets. He is an art doll and not designed as a plaything for small children.

Work a little voodoo magick with Claven or just spend some time helping him to figure out his place in the universe). He is a delightful primitive poppet ready for anything!

He is crafted in uneven folk art style so enjoy his purposeful irregularity just as he enjoys soaking in citrus scented bath water.

Claven is currently available for adoption in my etsy store: VoodooGoblin -

Monday, March 4, 2013

Ashley is the Prettiest Voodoo Goblin Doll of them All

Ashley likes to feel pampered and pretty.  She enjoys being indulged and spoiled.  Pink is her favorite color.  She believes that with great beauty should come great privilege.  Isn't she worth it?

If given the chance, Ashley will do absolutely nothing but admire herself in front of a mirror.  She will stretch out and laze around like the little princess she considers herself.

The only time she is willing to exert herself is when there is the possibility of shopping.  Buy her a pretty gift and you will have won her affection (at least until her attention wanders)!

Ashley is a little over 18 inches in length. Her arm span is an impressive 20 inches (making her shopping prowess truly astonishing!.

Ashley is crafted with new poly fill and pellets. She is an art doll and not designed as a plaything for small children.

Work a little voodoo magick with Ashley or just spend a leisurely afternoon enjoying her company on the veranda, taking turns admiring one another). She is a delightful primitive poppet ready for anything!

She is crafted in uneven folk art style so enjoy her purposeful irregularity just as she enjoys being adored.  Don't you want to join her fan club?

She is currently available for adoption in my etsy store: VoodooGoblin

Saturday, March 2, 2013

Voodoo Doll Goblin Dear Prudence

Prudence enjoys the simple pleasures of life.  She likes to savor a good cup of coffee as the sun raises.  She grows her own organic fruits and vegetables.  Her favorite pastime is to sit in her old rocker on the front porch and just watch the world go by.

Prudence is a little over 18 inches in length. Her arm span is an impressive 20 inches (making her farming prowess truly astonishing!.

Prudence is crafted with new poly fill and pellets. She is an art doll and not designed as a plaything for small children.

Work a little voodoo magick with Prudence or just spend a leisurely afternoon sipping lemonade with her soothing company). She is a delightful primitive poppet ready for anything!

She is crafted in uneven folk art style so enjoy her purposeful irregularity just as she enjoys taking her fire red tractor for a spin, vroom...vroom....

Prudence is currently available for adoption in my etsy store: VoodooGoblin