Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Voodoo Goblin Doll Daffodil

Daffodil is a voodoo goblin with a 70s hippie streak a mile wide. She loves chilling in her bean bag chair almost as much as she loves watching Star Trek.

Star Trek is her secret passion; especially her Limited Edition Lieutenant Suly doll with accessories. She could listen him to say "Oh My" for hours. Her favorite video is George Takei dancing to "I'm Sexy and I know it." Daffodil has been known to put it on a constant look while eating some popcorn, organic style of course.

Daffodil is a little over 17 inches in length. Her arm span is an impressive 19 inches (making her ability to play with her (Sulu's) phaser gun even more dramatic. "Pew. Pew!"!).

Daffodil is crafted with new poly fill and pellets. She is an art doll and not designed as a plaything for small children.

Work a little voodoo magick with Daffodil or just spend a leisurely afternoon watching a Star Trek marathon, (Daffodill prefers the original series!). She is a delightful primitive poppet ready for anything!

She is crafted in uneven folk art style so enjoy her purposeful irregularity just as she enjoys giggling over Mr Takei's hilarious facebook postings...

She is currently available for adoption in my etsy store - VoodooGoblin

Monday, February 25, 2013

Voodoo Goblin Doll Raggedy Spookmeister Poppet OOAK

Spookmeister likes to consider himself a goblin's goblin.  He is a connoisseur of scary things.

His personal favorite is all things Edgar Allan Poe.  He is prone to act out bits of "The Raven" if left alone for too long.

Spookmesiter is a little over 18 inches in length. His arm span is an impressive 20 inches (making  his raven mimicry truly terrifying!).

Spookmeister is crafted with new poly fill and pellets. He is an art doll and not designed as a plaything for small children.

Work a little voodoo magick with Spookmeister or just spend a leisurely afternoon reading creepy poetry. He is a delightful primitive poppet ready for anything!

He is crafted in uneven folk art style so enjoy his purposeful irregularity just as he enjoy sitting in a dark room with a barely lit candle and claiming that he can hear the beating of a heart....

Spookmeister is currently available for adoption via my etsy store - VoodooGoblin

Saturday, February 23, 2013

Voodoo Poppet Raggedy Delilah Doll

Delilah values childhood innocence and fun above all things.  If you can't embrace your sense of play, how can you truly enjoy life?

Sometimes she does take a break from games and counting  to contemplate the universe and her place in it.  Enlightenment shouldn't require strenuous work but Delilah understands the need to empty your mind and just be.

Delilah is a little over 18 inches in length. Her arm span is an impressive 20 inches (making her block building skills truly a marvel!).

Delilah is crafted with new poly fill and pellets. She is an art doll and not designed as a plaything for small children.

Work a little voodoo magick with Delilah or just spend a leisurely afternoon playing with your abacus.  She is a delightful primitive poppet ready for anything!

She is crafted in uneven folk art style so enjoy her purposeful irregularity just as she enjoys an afternoon singing to her mailbox. It's mail time ....

She is currently available for adoption in my new etsy store:  Voodoo Goblin

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Voodoo Raggedy Goblin Bob

Bob considers himself quite the technophile. He completely loses track of time when he is interacting on his favorite forums.

He enjoys cruising the internets and playing the white knight. There is not a damsel he will not champion. Trolls everywhere, quake with fear, for Bob is here to obliterate your, well, your troll-ness....

Bob is a little over 18 inches in length. His arm span is an impressive 20 inches (making his swift keyboard skills all the more sharp and unparalleled!).

Bob is crafted with new poly fill and pellets. He is an art doll and not designed as a plaything for small children.

Work a little voodoo magick with Bob or just spend a leisurely afternoon sharpening your internet dueling skills. He is a delightful primitive poppet ready for anything!

He is crafted in uneven folk art style so enjoy his purposeful irregularity just as he enjoys giggling over the latest memes....

He is currently available for adoption at my etsy store -

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Voodoo Goblin Doll Raggedy Maurice Poppet

Maurice considers himself quite the intellectual.  He likes to practice zen.  He enjoys expanding his vocabulary.  He will sit and contemplate the nature of the cosmos for many hours.

His favorite pastimes are reading and gardening.  Give him a book on horticulture and he is a happy poppet indeed!

Maurice is a little over 18 inches in length.  His arm span is an impressive 20 inches (to make it all the easier to reach books off the top shelf!).

Maurice is crafted with new poly fill and pellets. He is an art doll and not designed as a plaything for small children.

Work a little voodoo magick with Maurice or just spend a leisurely afternoon contemplating your own navel.  He is a delightful primitive poppet ready for anything!

He is crafted in uneven folk art style so enjoy his purposeful irregularity just as he enjoys lingering over Shakespearean sonnets....

He is currently available in my new etsy shop - Voodoo Goblin